1935 – 1955
Coalescence of Naturopathic Institutions:
Professional Associations, Colleges and Licensing

Hungarian physician Bodog F. Beck, MD, formalized the practice of bee venom therapy after studying the ancient therapeutic method with beekeeper Charles Mraz (1905-1999). He published Bee Venom Therapy: Bee Venom, its Nature, and its Effect on Arthritic and Rheumatoid Conditions in 1935 and Honey and Health: A Nutrimental, Medicinal and Historical Commentary in 1938.
Back to Eden. Jethro Kloss. Revised and expanded edition, published in 1939, became extremely popular in the late 1960s and by 1986 had sold almost three million copies.
Der Nachweis des Sonnenlichtwertes der in der Lebenden Substanz und in der Nahrung Enthaltenen Energie. Maximilian Bircher-Benner, MD.

Robert V. Carroll, Sr., W.A. Budden, A.R. Hedges, Horace Beatty, Henry Schlichting, Jr., and their colleagues strategize to build an alliance of naturopathic physicians and chiropractic “mixers” under the umbrella of “non-medical physicians” (the nomenclature Budden advocated, in preference to “drugless”) with strongholds around Chicago, in the Pacific Northwest, and in the US Southwest, especially Texas and Colorado. This deepens the conflict with Benedict Lust and his allies over education, licensing and professionalization, proprietary vs. public/institutional ownership and control, the direction of naturopathy and its professional associations, and, often, philosophy and therapeutics.

American Naturopathic Association, Inc. (“West”) established by Robert V. Carroll, Sr., Leo Verbon, V. Gano Compere, at ANA convention in South Dakota; with R.V. Carroll, Sr., President. From 1935-1942, open schism emerges between ANA, Inc. led by Robert V. Carroll, Sr. and ANA (“East”) led by Benedict Lust. Schism weakens profession, rendering it less resilient and more vulnerable in the face of continued political suppression and growing cultural, economic and political dominance of mainstream medical model and institutions. Often characterized as the “Eastern” group being more aligned with Lust’s proprietary tendencies and resistance to higher educational standards and licensing and the “Western” group being more pragmatic ND/DC “mixers,” advocating basic science testing, aiming for higher educational standards in non-proprietary schools, professionalization, and lobbying for broad-scope of practice state licensing as “drugless” physicians.

Arizona State licensed, HB 88.

Hawaii licensure revision (Chapter 43); Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1935 and 1937.

The December issue of Chiropractic Journal (NCA) features an advertisement for “The Affiliated Universities of Natural Healing,” which include WSCC, Metropolitan Chiropractic College in Cleveland OH, University of the Healing Arts in Hartford, CT, and University of Natural Healing Arts in Denver: “We wish to encourage the profession in efforts toward reasonable, higher and broader standards; and wish to help blaze the way to greater progress and development in conformity with the great merits of Chiropractic. A regular standard, four years of nine months each, course in Chiropractic and allied subjects is warranted by our profession and offered by the following school members of this affiliation: (Membership open to qualifying schools)” (1935 (Dec): Chiro J (NCA) 4(12):41.)

Chiropractic Committee on Education forms to promote educational standards; forerunner of Council on Chiropractic Education (CCE).

Lust’s American School in New York loses its state charter.
A Study of the Simile in Medicine. Linn J. Boyd. Key historical review and analysis with wide implications.
Everybody’s Guide To Nature Cure. Harry Benjamin, ND.*
Pneumatic Therapy (Balancing the Vasomotor System). (Junod’s Haemospasia) (Bier’s Hyperemia). M.G. Waksmundzka. Published by Benjamin Lust Publications.
The Australian Naturopath, official journal of ACONPA, established and published regularly until 1964.
The Story of Craniopathy. Nephi Cottam, DC. In 1928 Cottam introduced “craniopathy,” the earliest verifiable chiropractic cranial approach which subsequently influenced various schools of cranial therapy.” Revised as Craniopathy for You and Craniopathy for Others by his son Calvin Cottam in 1975.

Australian Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Naturopathic Physicians Association forms.

The Naturopathic Physicians Act in B.C., defines “Naturopathy” broadly as “the art to healing by natural methods” and declares naturopathy as a medical profession distinct from allopathy, homeopathy and osteopathy. “The passing of this act, which was piloted through largely by the untiring efforts and skill of Dr. Arthur Paskins, ND marks the end of the individual practitioner’s struggle for professional existence. From that time, it became the responsibility of the association and its executives to continue to press for wider recognition by raising the professional standards of the professions, by lobbying for better legislation, and by establishing legal precedents through the courts.”The legislation set high educational standards in which “a recognized school or college of naturopathic medicine shall be deemed to be an institution which teaches a residence course of not less then four calendar years of eight months in each year and not less than four thousand school hours in the four years.” The initial colleges that were approved included: the National College in Chicago and the Western States College in Portland. The initial act also stated that all members must past board exams prior to be entitled to registration and to practice as a naturopathic physician within the province. In the 1950s these institutional requirements would play a key role in the creation of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine as these programs for Drugless Physicians suspended their naturopathic programs to become exclusively chiropractic schools.

In Norway the Quack Act (Kvakksalverlova) establishes the regulation of natural medicine and other unorthodox medical personnel and practices.

Lydon National Sanipractic College opens in Seattle, WA, by J. Lydon; inoperative in 1940s.

The British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM) established in London as the first school teaching naturopathy in the UK and one of the first colleges to offer degree-level and master’s-level study in osteopathy.

The first naturopathic school in Germany opens in Munich; currently operating as Berufsfachschule für Naturheilweisen Josef Angerer, a state accredited educational institution for Naturopathy.

Principles and Practice of Drugless Therapeutics. Alton C. Johnson, DC, ND. Key manual medicine teaching text in chiropractic colleges, especially DC/ND dual degree and “mixer” DC schools training drugless/non-medical physicians.

American Naturopathic Association (ANA) of Tennessee chartered in December.

“Basic Science Legislation: An Examination into Its Origin, Purpose and Effects.” W.A. Budden, DC. Naturopath and Herald of Health. Budden claims the high ground on the pivotal issue of integrating anatomy, physiology and chemistry and advocating for higher educational requirements and standards. Profound role in Cascadia’s place in the re-emergence of naturopathic professional institutions, esp. in alliance with the OANP.

Ontario issues Regulations Under the Drugless Practitioners Act.

South Carolina State licensed, HB 1138, SB 524.
International Society of Naturopathic Physicians (ISNP) founded in Los Angeles, CA to “Advance the standard, promote the awareness of, and protect the status of, naturopathic medicine worldwide.” Arthur Schramm, ND, first President; other cofounding NDs: Drs. Peter N. Spelio, Harold E. Foster, Hugh R. Aitchison, W.J.M. Maxwell, Edward E. Shook, Evelyn Burkholder, Malcolm R. Mackintosh, had formed a phytotherapy research group the preceding year. The ISNP develops alliances with traditional natural medicine and built upon roots in botanical medicine to become the world’s largest naturopathic association, with members in 46 countries. As an independent organization leads coordination of associations internationally, facilitates organization within countries. Unable to bridge conflicts between ANA and NANP (National Association of Naturopathic Physicians), ISNP leaders more often collaborate with the latter. ISNP publishes Journal of Naturopathic Medicine, in several languages, for practitioners, and Nature’s Way to Health for the lay public; both characterized by wide range of clinical topics and scientific emphasis. Mario T. Campanella, ND, based in Graham, Florida, becomes editor of the Journal of Naturopathic Medicine in 1950; offices become administrative center of ISNP. In 1952, reports more than 2000 members. Dissolves ca. 1970.

Am I A Physician Or A Criminal? William Schreier, ND.

The Science and Philosophy of the Drown Radio Therapy. Ruth B. Drown, DC. Pioneering “electronic medicine” research and clinical application.

British Columbia, Chapter 204. Regulations Governing the Control and Practice of Naturopathic Physicians are established.

Southern California College of Chiropractic and College of Naturopathy operate in Los Angeles, CA, with Wolf Adler, DC, Dean; advertises (1939) “4000 hour curriculum including hospital internship, clinics, including colonic, electro, and fever therapy available to the field. Post graduate courses.”

Nature’s Path to Health features, describes content of Naturopathy curriculum (Frederick Roberts), followed by advertisement for Robert’s college, the British and Australian Institute of Naturopathy: “The naturopath is a graduate of a naturopathic institution. His preparation for the professional career as a naturopath consists of a four-year course of study, which includes what are known as the basic sciences. These sciences are: (1) Biology, (2) Chemistry, (3) Bacteriology, (4) Anatomy, (5) Physiology, (6) Embryology and Obstetrics, (7) Pathology, (8) Physical Diagnosis, (9) Psychology, (10) Nature Cure, 11) Hygiene and Sanitation, and other therapeutic subjects such as (1) Mechanotherapy or Physical Manipulation, (2) Hydrotherapy or Water Cure, (3) Electrotherapy, (4) Biochemistry [including vitamin and mineral supplementation], (5) Dietetics, etc. The naturopath does not study materia medica or the prescribing of drugs, but he is taught phytotherapy or the use of herbs in the healing of the sick. In addition to the four years study of naturopathy or drugless healing, the naturopathic student spends one or two years at a naturopathic sanitarium or clinic. At the completion of his studies he obtains the degree of N.D. (Doctor of Naturopathy).” (Frederick G. Roberts “What Is Drugless Healing?”. Nature’s Path to Health; February-March, pg. 36-37.)

Homeopathy in the FDA – Through an internal champion, the 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act includes sections that officially recognize the drugs and standards in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States as part of the founding Act. The first volume of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS) had been issued by the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention in 1888.

Maurice Blackmore opens “modern health-food shop” (renamed “The Anti-Drug Store” in 1941) in Brisbane, Australia, establishes manufacturing laboratory for vitamin and mineral supplements.

Anatomic Adjustive Technic. Homer G. Beatty, DC, ND. Influential physical medicine text, “whole package” of “DC, ND” tradition of non-MD, “drugless” physician’s framework, working with the “vital force.” “Budden and others taught, and practitioners perfected.” The University of Natural Healing Arts, Beatty’s school in Colorado, is an important node in the alliance network connecting A.W. Budden and Western States, R.V. Carroll in Washington, W.H. Pyott in Utah, H.J. Schlichting in Texas, W.M. Bleything in Oregon and others.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Weston Price, DDS.

The Natural Way to Health. Victor Hugo Lindlahr, ND.

The Australian Naturopathic Association congress, meeting in Melbourne, establishes formal standards for four-year naturopathic programs.

Nashville College of Naturopathy founded, within Nashville College of Drugless Therapy (also includes the Nashville College of Neuropathy and the Nashville College of Chiropractic); W. Guy Cheatham ND, DC, Dean, was active in ANA national affairs and in the NCA efforts towards chiropractic education. George A. Floden, DC, ND, of Los Angeles, California, was involved with the school and lectured there often. Later becomes Nashville College of Naturopathic Medicine. School and much of leadership becomes embroiled in scandal. Last known graduate in 1947. (Catalog) *

Friedhelm Kirchfeld (d. 2011) Respected NCNM librarian; co-author of Nature Doctors; naturopathic historian and publisher; noted cultural curator.

John von Neumann creates the field of “cellular automata,” constructing the first self-replicating automata with pencil and graph paper.

American School of Naturopathy re-chartered in Maryland; derived from original American School of Naturopathy, New York City, NY.

Pierre-Valentin Marchesseau creates the first French school of Naturopathy in Paris.

Western Texas Naturopathic College founded in Dallas, TX; closure date unknown.

The Syntonic Principle. Harry Spitler, DOS, MD, MS, PhD.

Arthur Schramm, ND, of Los Angeles, CA, founds and is founding President of National Association of Naturopathic Herbalists.

John J. Nugent, DC, works to standardize chiropractic education as National Chiropractic Association’s (NCA’s) director of research, from 1941 until his forced retirement in 1959; characterized by B.J. Palmer and allies as either the “Abraham Flexner of Chiropractic” or the “anti-Christ of Chiropractic”.

Finger Prints, Palms and Soles: An Introduction to Dermatoglyphics. Harold Cummins, PhD, and Charles Midlo, MD. Provides first scientific analysis of dermatoglyphics.

The annual ANA convention was publicly planned for July in Chicago. However, Lust and Jesse Mercer Gehman switched the location and used Lust’s publications and contact base to unilaterally declare that the “real ANA” would meet in Atlantic City in June.

Connecticut Health Commissioner, an MD, delays the issuing of licenses approved by the Naturopathic Board when such approval had been based upon a licensing reciprocity statute with South Carolina. However, South Carolina had no Basic Science law and several schools that had been approved did not meet the standards of the Connecticut Board’s approved schools list. Reciprocity is denied based on Commissioner’s position that the reciprocity statue required licensing by a state with licensing requirements comparable to those in effect in Connecticut.

Southeastern College of Natural Healing Arts and Sciences founded in Dallas, TX; closure date unknown.

Human Constitution in Clinical Medicine. George Draper, MD, C.W. Dupertius, PhD, and J.L. Caughley, Jr., MD.

Virginia State licensed, HB 29; discontinued 1972.

After Benedict Lust’s death on September 5, 1945, American Naturopathic Association is led by Jesse Mercer Gehman, ND, Lust’s chosen successor, and later Paul Wendel, ND. Lust’s death exacerbates pervasive divisions in naturopathic education, publishing, professional associations, regional politics and therapeutic diversity in the US amidst medical monopoly and legal suppression. A letter by Lust just before his death calls for profession to begin including judicious minor office surgery and pharmaceutical use based on naturopathic principles to maintain ability to serve and position as physicians.

British Naturopathic Association (BNA) formed by Stanley Lief after separating from Nature Cure Association.

Chiropractic college enrollments rise rapidly as veterans enjoy the educational grants provided by the G.I. Bill after World War II; African-Americans largely excluded from G.I. Bill benefits.

Candace B. Pert, PhD (d. 2013). Neuroscientist and pharmacologist who discovered the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins in the brain; innovative neuropeptide researcher, popularizer of psychoneuroimmunology and whole person physiology; author of Molecules of Emotion (1999) and other titles.

Edward Alstat, ND, RPh (d. 2018) Herbal pioneer, publisher, and organic farmer; founded Eclectic Institute at NUNM Medicinary in 1982, later relocated to large organic farm in Sandy, OR; awarded Presidential Citation from AANP. Presented with five NUNM President’s Medallion awards for contributions to the school and the profession; inducted into the NUNM Hall of Fame for his role in the advancement of natural medicine’s reputation.

“History of the American Medical Association.” Morris Fishbein, MD. JAMA. 133(13):923-935.

“A Mathematical Theory of Communication.” Claude E. Shannon. Bell System Technical Journal. First concrete conception of “Information Theory.”

A Transcript of Lectures on Chemical Types of People. Leo Verbon, ND. Explication of system of constitutional typology and nutritional therapy pioneered by V.G. Rocine; presented in Portland, OR.

Alberta Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (AANP) established, Colin Skaken, ND, founding Chair.

Robert V. Carroll, Sr., Henry Schlichting, Jr., W.H. Pyott, Leo Verbon and allies of Western ANA hold pivotal convention in Salt Lake City, UT. Robert V. Carroll, Sr., ND, of Washington becomes President of American Naturopathic Association, Inc. (“Western” ANA).

College of Osteopaths founded in the United Kingdom; later establishes naturopathic diploma course in part-time “extended learning” curriculum.

Institute of Drugless Therapy in Tama, Iowa. Distant study program, small school with influential graduate, John Christopher. Last known presence 1955.

Acetaminophen introduced by Julius Axelrod and Bernard Brodie.

American Natural Hygiene Society founded with Herbert Shelton, ND, as first President.

Canadian Association of Naturopathic Physicians (CANP) founded by Drs. Fred Parson, ND, Ruth Elsie Budd, ND, Ross Skaken, ND, Lawrence Schnell, ND, and Verdeen Fulton, ND, in Alberta. Fred Parson, ND, founding Chair until 1957.

Henry Schlichting, Jr., ND, of Midland, Texas becomes President of American Naturopathic Association (ANA).

Texas Naturopathic Practice Act (Article 4950d, Vernon Codified Statutes) passes through a “deal” in which naturopaths and chiropractors gain licensing while agreeing to adopt a Basic Science law.

British College of Naturopathy established by Stanley Lief, ND, DO, DC.

Standard Institute of Naturopathic Therapy founded in Los Angeles, CA. Last known graduates in 1958.

Western States graduates 36 with DC degrees and 16 with ND degrees, with 11 graduating with dual degrees, in June.

Western States welcomes the class of 1953, more than half of whom would graduate with both naturopathic doctor (ND) and doctor of chiropractic (DC) degrees. This graduating class of the School of Naturopathy being the largest class of ND degree holders ever at WSC. This cohort be the largest class graduating from any naturopathic school for another 30 years. Notably, this class includes two male African American students in a post-war U.S. environment often hostile to such students and their aspirations. The faculty and students at Western States during these years would play central roles in delivering clinical care and engineering the institutional re-emergence of naturopathy in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, as well as broad-scope chiropractic in Oregon and elsewhere, over the coming decades.

Naturopathic Farmacopeia: Natureopathic Physicians Guide. Paul Wendel, ND.

W. Martin Bleything, ND, DC, of Western States and former faculty member at LACC, becomes editor of Journal of the American Naturopathic Association.

Pierre-Valentin Marchesseau leads formation of the first Federation of Naturopathy in France.

St. Louis Accord reached between factions of American Naturopathic Association at ANA convention in St. Louis, MO; unsuccessful attempt made to re-unify fractious naturopathic profession into a single cohesive professional organization.

W.A. Budden is president of NCA’s National Council on Public Health.

Missouri Chiropractic College retitled when Missouri Chiropractic College and Institute of Naturopathy remove naturopathy from program.

Sierra States University moves from San Francisco to Los Angeles, CA.

“…In answer to your inquiry, permit me to say that beginning June 1st of this year we shall no longer matriculate Naturopathic applicants. Those having entered college before that time shall, of course, be continued and graduated with the degree.
We in no way lend ourselves to the evaluation of the attitudes and practices of the Naturopathic field in general. We sit in judgment over no one.
The reason that has prompted this decision resides in the fact that the competitive tension between the chiropractic and naturopathic professions is so severe that we have considered it wise and prudent to relinquish the naturopathic school.
Basically, we have always been a College of Chiropractic. There was a time when it seemed that the two professions would parallel and compliment each other. Such is now no longer the case.” (ICA International Review of Chiropractic Oct; 5(4):2.)

University of Natural Healing Arts in Denver ceases operations; in 1964 its registry and alumni become affiliated with the National College of Chiropractic.

Western States graduates 29 with DC degrees and 2 with ND degrees, in March.

Dr. Foster, MD, ND, originally from Yuchi Pines Institute in Alabama, introduces naturopathic medicine within Zambia at Riverside Farm Institute, a rural nature cure inpatient facility that operated until 1992 near Kafue National River and a ridge on the outskirts of a town named Kafue.

Die Geschichte der Naturheilkunde in Lebensbildern (History of Nature Cure in Biographies). Alfred Brauchle.

Food Combining Made Easy. Herbert M. Shelton, ND, DC. Shelton’s exposition of the food combining theories that would become popular among those working with reactions to food.

During a summer meeting in Miami Beach, FL, the “Western ANA” changes its name to the American Naturopathic Physicians and Surgeons Association (ANPSA), establishes a new corporate charter based in Iowa, relocates its headquarters to Des Moines, and re-elects Henry Schlichting as its President. Schlichting and A.R. Hedges present the strategy behind this organizational restructuring in articles that appear in the September, 1951, issue of the newly created Journal of the ANPSA. Among other factors, continued irresolution with the allies of Benedict Lust led them to move away from conflicting claims to the organizational name “American Naturopathic Association” despite attempts at reunifying the ANA. Schlichting, in particular, offers a vision of naturopathic physicians as “family physicians” in a general family practice that included manipulation, minor surgery and obstetrics. Toward that goal the ANPSA would “promote the public health and to perpetuate and advance the science, art and practice of the naturopathic school of medicine; to accomplish such objectives by attaining high standards of naturopathic education and by constantly stimulating and furthering the profession’s interest in and knowledge of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of …disease and ill health…” The ANPSA will be renamed American Association of Naturopathic Physicians in 1956. (Journal of the ANPSA. Sept., 1951)

With the unanticipated death of Robert V. Carroll, Sr., his work for evolution of the naturopathic profession continues through his colleagues, especially Schlichting, Budden, Hedges and Bleything.

Schultz’s Naturopathic Institute of California in Los Angeles suspends operations; founded 1905.

The Science and Practice of Iridology: A System of Analyzing and Caring for the Body Through the Use of Drugless and Nature-cure Methods. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND.

“THEORY AND PRACTICE OF NATUROPATHY: The theory that nature itself is the best physician is translated into practice in this course. It is definitely non-medical and is in no way associated with the use of drugs or internal medicine. Textbook: “Medicines of Nature.””

The Science and Art of Manipulative Surgery. Stephen L. Fielder and W.H. Pyott, DC, ND.

Western States closes its ND degree program. In making the announcement of its closing, the president of the college remarks: “Circumstances and legislative actions now indicate that this alliance is no longer necessary.” Central States College of Physiatrics/Health Sciences (Eaton, OH) (until 1962) and Sierra States University (Los Angeles, CA) (until 1963) remain the only naturopathic academic programs at the time.

Lloyd Conover develops tetracycline.