2700 BCE – 999 CE
• Physician (swnw, pl. swnww), in the lineage of the god Tahuti, with an emphasis on scholarship, “[Thoth/Tahuti]… imparts useful knowledge to the learned and to the swnw his followers, in order to free those whom his god wishes him to keep alive,” (Ebers).
• ca. 1825 BCE (12th Dynasty) – The Kahun Gynecological Papyrus
• ca. 1600 BCE (18th Dynasty) – Hearst Papyrus
• ca. 1551 BCE (Early New Kingdom) – The Ebers Papyrus
The Papyrus Ebers, Translated from the German Version By Cyril P. Bryan (1930) • View original: [https://papyrusebers.de/en/]
PDF: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130921055114/http://oilib.uchicago.edu/books/bryan_the_papyrus_ebers_1930.pdf]
• ca. 1500 BCE (16th–17th Dynasties of the Second Intermediate Period) – The Edwin Smith Papyrus
PDF: [https://isac.uchicago.edu/sites/default/files/uploads/shared/docs/oip3.pdf]
• ca. 1325 BCE (19th Dynasty) – The London Medical Papyrus (New Kingdom)
25th Century BCE

[HK]Experience, Heritage and Knowledge [PM][AI] Peseshet. Woman physician during the 4th dynasty in Egypt; trained as a midwife and later given the title, “Lady Overseer of the Female Physicians.” Associated with the widely respected medical school at the temple of Neith in Sais.
1900-1600 BCE
Ashurbanipal’s library at Nineveh contains copies of Akkadian clay tablets on medicine.
18th Century BCE
1755-1750 BCE

[D]Definitions, Principles, Theories and Ethics [PM]
Code of Hammurabi sets out fees for surgeons and punishments for malpractice; written in the Old Babylonian dialect of Akkadian, purportedly by Hammurabi, sixth king of the First Dynasty of Babylon.
12th Century BCE 1150-1145 BCE

[HK]Experience, Heritage and Knowledge [PM]
Correlations between ascending constellations (by the hour) and parts of the human body recorded on papyrus scrolls, discovered by French scholar Jean-Francois Champollion, in the tomb of Ramses V. These papyri could be a predecessor of the later Greek tradition of melothesia, and/or, a link to an earlier Mesopotamian origin for this associative model remain unconfirmed. (Hill, Judith. (2010). Timeline of Astrological Medicine
9th Century BCE